10 Painting Tips to Paint Like a Pro
Do you want to bring out the painter in you but don’t know how to paint your interior walls without staining your deck? This project can turn into nightmare if you are not careful while painting. Follow these 10 tips to make your painting projects go smoother and faster while giving you a professional-looking finish that you'll be proud of.
1. Try using any bold colour which not only brightens the house but also adds a spot light. Use calmer and soothing colours like pink, light blue for bedrooms and bathrooms which not only looks great but also adds lot of psychological advantages.

2. Always try to test the colour on the wall before purchasing the required paint completely. It is better to waste a few hundreds to test and see if it suites the house rather than spending a huge amount to realise the fact later.

3. Measure the whole house, try to find out the total cost which has to be incurred to paint it, be it multiple shades, mixed or single block colour. Plus, do remember you can’t only apply a single coat because double coats are required to bring out the best.

4. Do all the covering and patching work for the screws, knobs, broken walls, protective shields for stuff way in advance. Since, you will be investing a lot of time doing the preparation before the painting starts.

5. A primer can be used separately or bought together with the paint. However, do remember that a coat of primer leaves the paint well adhered and last longer, also providing a better look.

6. Rollers may require handles and poles. However, a roller will be more efficient to paint than a paint brush. Try using a ‘W’ pattern to paint which covers all the overlapping sections as well.

7. A ladder may seem to be very essential while painting the ceilings, though it may not be compulsory there are other options like an extension connected to a roller pole.

8. The process of boxing is very safe in case of mixing. Try re- usable buckets to mix the proportions required and redo so. Any mistakes done during the mixing can be avoided well before.

9. Keep additional cleaning pads to make sure the excess left overs on the furniture or on the flooring can be cleaned. It is always better to remove these leftovers instantly.

10. Lastly, try to use a hanger to stop the drips in the bucket to avoid the excess dripping on the floors or around.

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